Every year since the very first German-American Steuben Parade in 1957, a Miss German-America has been chosen to represent the German-American Community. As we prepare to crown the 2019 Miss German-America and her Court on May 19th, we wanted to take time to highlight and revisit a few Miss German-America’s and Princesses celebrating milestone anniversary years this year.
The role and responsibilities of the position has changed over the years. One responsibility that has not changed is that the young ladies of the court attend weekend events in the Tri-State area from June through October. At these events, they represent the Parade and invite the guests to attend not only the Parade in September but also the Friendship Month events hosted by the Parade Committee. The Court members assist with our fundraising efforts by asking for donations in return for the Parade’s signature cornflower.
On Parade Day, the Queen and her court attend mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral followed by a ride up Fifth Avenue on a float with Miss German-America dressed in a white gown, also called the Steuben Parade Queen, and blue gowns for the Princesses. Accompanying them are Junior Princesses and in recent years a Junior General. After they arrive at the end of the Parade, the Court assembles on the 87th Street Grandstand waving and thanking all the other marchers as they finish walking or riding in the Parade.
For many decades, the summer following her reign, Miss German-America visited Germany and/or Austria as a Goodwill Ambassador. She would meet with German Mayors, Political Representatives, German Clubs and Social Groups to tell them about the Parade and invite them to attend the German-American Steuben Parade in NYC. As a Goodwill Ambassador, Miss German-America would help to strengthen the relationship between Germany and the USA.
Today Miss German-America no longer receives a formal trip to Germany, instead in recent years she has been awarded a scholarship to put towards her education. As of 2015 the scholarship amounts are $5000 for Miss German-America and a $2500 scholarship for each Princess. Many clubs in Germany do still extend invitations to Miss German-America. Many of our Steuben Parade Queens have accepted of their own accord visits to Köln for Karneval and other local festivals.
Over the next few weeks we will bring you updates on several ladies who are celebrating milestone anniversaries of their reign as Miss German-America or Princess. If you are a former court member, or are in touch with any, please have them contact us by e-mailing Chairman@