Forty years ago at the Liederkranz Linda Schlittenhardt Gramer was crowned Queen Kornblumenkonigen und Miss Deutsch Amerika 1979. Lothar Spaethe the Ministerpraesident von Baden Wurttemberg was Grand Marshal that year. Being Queen was a huge thrill to Linda. She loved riding on the float up 5th Avenue. That year the Queen’s Float was sponsored by Wella Balsam. Linda applied because she wanted to continue to serve and be part of the German-American community. The experience allowed her to meet people who are now still her good friends. Linda’s advice to the new Miss German-America is “Enjoy every moment, it is a once in a lifetime experience.” The Court Float is still one of her favorite floats to see every year.

You can still see Linda at many events in the Tri-State Area. She and her husband Bud perform traditional and modern music at many different German events. They have participated in the Parade by playing music, driving cars and marching. Each year they love to attend German-American Night at Eisenhower Park and also accompany the German American Chorus at their performances and dances. Linda is also a member of the Kolping Society.

If Linda could design a float it would be all things German with bold Schwarz, Rot Gold Colors featuring Bratwurst, Beer, Pretzels and Steins.
“Thanks, to Von Steuben and the Parade Committee for the fun times!”