Written By: Rebecca Koehler



Having the honor of representing my German heritage as Miss German-America has been an absolute dream come true! I was able to attend multiple events throughout the year in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and abroad.


I am so thankful for the many people that keep the13435395_10208497821737536_712401271532365549_n parade going each and ever year! To me my heritage is an inheritance greater then money or belongings, unlike money or belongings no one can take it away from you. It’s up to us to keep it relevant and alive in our lives, not just for ourselves, but for our families and children. I want to give a big thank you to the German-American Parade Committee for all their hard work!


DSC_4257 2The Grand Marshals during my reign were: Katarina Witt and Peter Wittig. To answer your question, yes, they are incredibly nice and sweet in person. I also had the privilege to meet a relative of General von Steuben!


The day of the unnamed (5)Steuben Parade we attended church at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, followed by breakfast at Trump Tower. The highlight for me was seeing all the lovely faces that came out to celebrate our shared heritage. The Oktoberfest in Central Park was incredible! I must have been asked to take at least 100+ photos with people visiting from Germany. I have made some pretty amazing friendships with the groups that marched in the parade during my reign as Queen.


13240548_10206404701985077_4374361836364403000_nTo any young lady who is thinking of applying for Miss German-America, please do so!  It is the opportunity of a lifetime.  You will grow in so many ways.  You will have unique gifts given to you of poise, public speaking, and just plain fun.  You will meet wonderful people and interact with German people who have much to share with you.  


I hope to see you at this year’s Crowning – May 21, 2017! For more information on applying for Miss German-America please click here.