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The 12th grade students of the German International School New York welcome you to join us at our Talent Night!

We will be showcasing our senior class students from award-winning musicians, to artists, and national athletes. Bring your families for a fun night of entertainment and inspiration. Come and see us perform before we leave for college!

What to expect:

Music Concert: Enjoy music from classical to pop by Carnegie Hall performers and Pop Song producer.

Fashion Show: Avant-Garde Fashion designed by guest artist Cicely Kaeufer

Live Reading: Listen to the live reading of a published author and German national literature award winner.

Art Auction and Gallery: Come and see student artwork.

Fun Stations: Challenge the U.S. Soccer women’s national goalkeeper and our varsity basketball team!

Your admissions ticket is also a RAFFLE ticket! Win prizes: Free Babysitting, Car wash, Tutoring…etc.

Join us for food and drinks and a round of family feud afterwards!

Prices: Students and Teachers: $5, Adult: $10

Reserve your tickets online: Get your Early Bird Admission for 50% discount by January 31st 2019! Limited amount only!

Thank you so much for your support and we hope to see you on March 1st!

– Students of GISNY Class of ’19

Check out the school website: gisny.org