History of Yorkville / Kleindeutschland Exhibit / Lecture on New York City’s Lost Era
Sep 9, 2015 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The History of Yorkville/Kleindeutschland
Exhibit/Lecture on New York City’s Lost Era, from the 30s through the 60s
Kolping Haus, 165 East 88th Street, NY, NY
$10 donation to benefit the Steuben Parade.
Reception following. Tracht encouraged.
Presented by the Yorkville/Kleindeutschland historian, Kathy Jolowicz.
Born and raised in Yorkville/Kleindeutschland, Ms. Jolowicz’s parents immigrated from Leipzig, Germany in 1932 and were among the pioneers who built this once internationally famous Landmark, a phenomenon never to be experienced again. See how the Eastern and Middle Europeans lived and thrived together as one population. Learn how she keeps German Heritage alive today. View 36 panels and artifacts of New York City’s once vibrant Germantown, including beginning photos of the Parade.
RSVP is necessary as space is limited. Please e-mail Kathy Jolowicz at kaj133@aol.com