Galli’s Märchenfestival presented by CityKinder | Hans im Glück
Mar 25, 2017 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Hans im Glück
Als Lohn für sieben Jahre Dienen erhält Hans vom Meister einen großen Klumpen Gold. Für Hans heißt es: Hinaus in die Welt, hinaus ins Leben, hinaus in die Freiheit. Auf seinem Weg macht Hans so viele Tauschgeschäfte, bis er am Ende nichts mehr hat und begreift: Freiheit ist das höchste Glück.
After seven years of hard work, Hans earns a big chunk of gold from his master. Hans steps out into the world: out into the world, starts his own life and wants to enjoy freedom. On his way, Hans makes a lot of exchanges, until, at the end, he has nothing left. At this Point, he realizes that freedom is the highest luck!
Appropriate for children ages 4 and up, the show is and filled with music and song delighting audiences young and old. As with all of Galli Theater’s shows, Hans in luck gives the young audience opportunities to engage the characters in the Performance.
This is a German language event for the whole family brought to you by the Galli Theater and CityKinder!
The 2 hour event includes a Galli Theater Workshop, face painting, an enchanted craft and of course the performance of a German Fairy Tale by the Galli Theater.
This event tends to sell out. Please book your tickets early!
$25 per child
$20 per adult