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Meet & mingle with other German speaking families and enjoy Central Park.

CityKinder invites you to our annual Sommerpicknick!

We love to celebrate summer with our family picnics! This is also a great opportunity for newly arriving families to meet new friends.

Join us for:

Lawn Games
Family Fun
Short German story time by KinderBooks
Fun hands-on activity with Tinkergarten leader Christiane Berghaus
and more activities to be announced
…. or just hang out with your baby or little one….

What to bring:

All you need is to bring a blanket, some snacks and your children.

CityKinder will additionally provide drinks, plates, cups and utensils.


We will send out an email the day before the event with exact instruction on how to find us!

Family Price: $25

Register at CityKinder.com